We have a mulberry tree in our backyard that is magnificent, but admittedly overgrown thanks to missing a year or two (or five) of trimming. We decided that this tree would be our project this year and the three of us started out full of energy and resolve to get this tree in shape - David on large chainsaw cutting the limbs off, yours truly on small chainsaw cutting the limbs into 8-foot sections and Holly in charge of loading everything onto the trailer in anticipation of several trips down to the soccer fields. It started to drizzle a bit but we were not daunted; this family project was well underway and everyone embraced their role, proud of our collective skills to work together.
At 11:15 David emerged from the tree and asked to borrow my chainsaw. I handed it over to him, glad for the break and sent Holly in to get some water while I jumped up and down on the branches in the trailer to make some more space. After scratching myself up pretty well and drawing some blood on my leg, I decided that my job there was complete and went in through the one small opening that we had made in the tree to see how David was doing. As I stepped under the canopy of the tree, I noticed that the large chainsaw was stuck in a limb and we couldn't have been more than 1/8 of the way through the job...there was a complex web of branches, limbs and roots that I couldn't even really see where some parts that we already had cut stopped and the rest of the tree continued. I looked at David, we both laughed and I said, 'there's no way we are going to get this finished!' We had the tree service guys on the phone and over to our house within 30 minutes! I will be $1900 lighter in my checking account for it, but by Friday will have not only the Mulberry tree but the Pepper, Pine and Palm trees in the back trimmed appropriately.
My lesson in all of this - we may not always recognize the magnitude of what we take on but always need to be ready to call in the professionals when things get a little crazy, there's no shame in it and everyone will benefit!