Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Last Friday was homecoming for TOHS, so like all good alumni should do, Holly dragged us along to see the game and festivities that are always a part of the celebration.

We rolled into the game right before 1/2 time, so we got there just in time to see the parade (I have to agree with Schnoogs on this one...not a lot of effort was put into it, especially compared to the whole halftime show her class produced last year), but the band is always good to listen to.

Fireworks are a staple of the TOHS Homecoming, and this year did not disappoint. While we were enjoying the show, it suddenly occurred to us that Daphne was probably at home under something and shaking; thunder, fireworks and loud noises in general send her into quite a state of neurosis.

The game was an easy win - Thousand Oaks beat Calabasas 42 to 10 - and we avoided all of the post-game traffic by exiting through the side gate and walking home.

It is good to know all of the tricks when you have been around for a while!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Holly uses the word epic a is actually a pretty good word and comes to mind when I consider this shot that I took while in NY the other week.

I was walking along in midtown when suddenly I look up and realize that the Empire State Building is just there, right along side me, looming in it's very dignified way. It was enough to inspire me to take out the Blackberry and snap a photo, as evidenced here.

Epic. Epic indeed.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Knott (too) Scary

Sunday was, as I indicated in the last post, a busy day. After completing the Pumpkin Run (that included clean-up and a tasty taco lunch because boy, I was hungry!), it was back home to shower and pack up to head out for an evening at Knott's Berry Farm for their Knott's Scary Farm Haunt.

Not typically a big fan of Halloween, late nights at theme parks when I have to be at work early in the morning, being scared or creeped out or repetitive trips on crazy roller coasters, I have to admit that this was not originally how I planned to spend a Sunday night. Some convincing to "give it a try" and "just come along to be with everyone" somehow caught me at a moment where I decided that it would be a good idea to go.

We took advantage of a VIP dinner prior to the re-opening of the park, which turned out to be great both in terms of having dinner covered and avoiding some of the crowds. We also were able to ride one of the roller coasters "Ghost Rider" before anyone else, so the lines were nonexistent...a fabulous thing if you wanted to ride the thing multiple times, as Schnoogs and Briana did.

I opted to sit it out for round two. Something about the headache, slightly nauseous stomach and fact that I just about wet my pants on the first go-round kept me from wanting to duplicate that experience. That is one crazy wooden coaster, let me tell you!

We went on some other crazy, looping coaster that had us dangling and twirling high above Orange County. It was thankfully smoother and was more of a glider, so I didn't have the same sensation of all of my bones and teeth bouncing apart, but it was still one heck of a stomach turner!

Things got better when we got to the Log Jammer. That is more my speed. It was kind of dark and there were creatures jumping out from every turn and much can one girl be expected to take? The anticipation of someone jumping out alone was enough to keep me looking over my shoulder for the rest of the night.

We all agreed that going on a Sunday and having dinner in the park was the way to go...we were finished up by 10:45 or so, our fill of mazes, coasters, monsters and screaming filled for the year, whew!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Run

Sunday was a big day for the MIMs! Our Moms in Motion team captains, Anne & Holly, were race directors for the Westlake City Celebration aka The Pumpkin Run. MIMs were crawling all over the place to help, we had a great turnout!

I had the privilege of shuttling the team working at the 5K and 10K turnaround water stations...all were members of the Agoura Hills HS track team (their running coach is our running coach too) and even though it was early on a Sunday morning, they were all enthusiastic and excited to be a part of the is their community too, after all.

Once the water station workers were in place, the 5K race began and then I set out for the 10K an hour later. It was a good course, only about 200 people running the longer portion, so it wasn't very crowded and it was a nice shady downhill for the first 2 miles or so. It got a little hot and sunny on the back portion of the course, so I was glad to loop back to the shade once I hit mile 4, even if it did mean that nice little downhill had turned into a nice little UP hill.

I actually finished 4th in my age category and had a personal record on the 10K according to my Nike+ system. I should just leave it at that and bask in the glory, but the truth of the matter is that there were only 5 people in my age category.

Maybe I need to start competing in the 75+ age group, I bet that I'd sweep that group!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting Dirty

While in SF last weekend for the 1/2 marathon, I had the chance to catch with my friends SaraJ and Tina, as well as their kids Luke and Gemma and the dogs, Scout and Memphis. It was a beach outing and I got to come along for the ride to catch up and spend a couple of hours together.

It was a cool but beautiful day at the beach and everyone loved running around the great outdoors, discovering cool things like sticks and rocks and dirt. We finally made it down to the beach, where there were even more fascinating things like seaweed, sand and mud!

These kids are not afraid 0f a little dirt, let me tell you! Gemma rather enjoyed rubbing her hands in the mud, picking it up and moving it in large clumps from one end of the beach to the other, and Luke at one point in time just laid down face first and shoved some sand down his shirt for good measure.

I like the way these kids do things, fully present and all in! Who cares about a little dirt in the car afterwards?

A Funny One

I came across this picture of Holly on Facebook the other day and it makes me laugh.

I can't imagine where she got the idea to do a silly pose and capture the moment to share in a public setting!

That kid cracks me up.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Combed my Hair!

Wednesday night is always something to look forward to, as the Schnoogs and I get together for dinner somewhere cool and catch up on the week. We have missed the last 2 weeks of our outings due to conflicts between assignments (her) and work (me). I am still doing some training rollouts through next week, which means I am spending at least every Wednesday and Friday in a store, geared up in the full team uniform which includes a hat.

I actually don't mind wearing the gear, as it means I get to wear shorts and running shoes; a bit casual perhaps, but certainly comfortable and it makes it much easier to hang with the team (all of whom are now in the same age range as my daughter) and swirl some tasty yogurt.

Because my training goes straight to 7:30 pm, I made arrangements to have Holly come meet me in Woodland Hills and we had a bonus visitor, our friend Elizabeth who has ventured all the way from South Orange County for some training work herself (she informed me that this is the least desirable training location to go to, with the "i" in Hills often switched to an "e" as her co-workers bicker over who will be stuck coming out to the area.) No appreciation for the finer points of the Valley!

As I dashed over to meet my dinner party, I made what felt like a noble attempt to tidy up; I changed shirts, took off my hat and combed my hair. I combed it A LOT, like 4 or 5 different times, trying to plaster it down and eliminate some of the hat-hair frizz that was going on. It just could not be done and I had to settle with a "this is as good as it is going to get" attitude.

Holly & Elizabeth were waiting for me and after the hellos were over, I blurted out (as if I had turrets), "I combed my hair!" Elizabeth laughed out loud and Holly rolled her eyes. We all agreed that it wasn't it's best, but my concern over the state of my hair was a bit obsessive and it was time to let it go.

Besides, I was hungry and we had some catching up to do!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Last Shot of the Day

A bit more on the Catalina/Avalon trip, this mostly just to display some cool photos that I took and enjoyed. The whole day was brilliant in terms of colors, lighting and scenery, but it is hard to pass up a good sunset.

Here are a few of my favorites from the day...

Be glad that I have spared you from viewing all 66 of them!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There has been much activity of late, so much that I have been saving up some items to share. One such adventure was a trip to Catalina - the first time - for the day a week or so ago on Saturday.

My friend Mark (aka Mr. Eddy Faddah for a silly reason long ago when I started calling him that and it just stuck) has a fine habit of bidding for cool items at silent auctions intended to raise money for great children's charities. He had his eye on this boat trip the minute that it became available at an event that he intended, with the full intention of taking the group of us (4 friends from 10 years back) out on an excursion.

Mr. Eddy Faddah naturally outbid every other hopeful, and secured us an all-day boat excursion to just about anywhere we wanted to go, including Catalina. Of the group, Mark was the only one who had ever been, so we decided to venture out on the journey to see new and exciting things.

The day was postcard perfect in terms of weather, and we had a great time too. The ride out was a bit bumpy, but we hardly noticed as we chatted, laughed, snacked and caught up on what was going on with each of us.

This was a day trip that I would be happy to repeat again and again...thanks, Mr. Eddy Faddah!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Part of Something Special

San Francisco, specifically Union Square, was abuzz with marathon preparations this past Saturday. I was happy to have made it over before things got into full swing; I picked up my packet, registered my timing chip and decided I was fine to line up with the 11:00 - 12:00 minute mile runners in the corrals.A couple of the MIMs wanted to go across to Niketown to check out the gear and perhaps buy a souvenir. As we approached the store, I saw a mass of people out front and assumed it was the line to get in the store.

Turns out that as a thank you to all of the runners participating, each of our names (all 20,000 of them) were printed up along the display window at the flagship Nike in Union Square. The crowd was actually there to find their name in the sea of pink.

I have enjoyed doing events for good philanthropic efforts for quite some time, but seeing it all together with the total raised ($14 million just with this event to help fight leukemia/lymphoma) AND because the MIMs raised money specifically to support our young (5-year old) friend Nicole who is 2 years into a 4 year treatment program to beat her leukemia, it just felt really personal and good to be a part of something important.

Who doesn't like to see their name in print, after all?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Another cartoon that made me giggle, this one from work. It certainly puts things into perspective; we are just swirling yogurt, it's not brain surgery!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Mind the Gap

While traveling from Flushing back into NYC the other day, I noticed that there was a sign painted on the ground every 50 feet or so, warning passengers to "Watch the Gap". I have to tell you, that's just not right.

Anyone who has been to London and had the opportunity to take the Underground (aka "The Tube") knows that the proper phrase is, "Mind the Gap".

I just had to share this...I know that Kris and Elizabeth will have the same response that I did!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

America Runs on Dunkin'

Dunkin' Donuts is one of those East Coast/Midwest treats that I enjoy whenever my travels take me there. I had intended to get a little decaf something earlier in the week, but didn't have time until Thursday afternoon-rain has come to NYC and we are standing around the store looking for something to do.

We are just outside of Union Square, with a Dunkin' about 500 yards away. A quick dash over and across the street through the rain and I'm in! While waiting for my coffee treat (cream AND sugar, of course!), I noticed these orange donuts with the blue swoosh through the side.

I don't believe that I have ever seen this, but the NYC Marathon has an official donut! Admittedly, I don't usually pair donuts with marathon runners but hey, maybe that is the secret I have been missing all of these years!

I guess it makes sense, the tag line is...America runs on Dunkin'!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cash Only

Wednesday took me to Flushing, NY, a neighborhood in the Queens borough with a heavy Asian population. Always one up for a challenge, I set out to find lunch that met the criteria of local, tasty and something I knew I could eat.

I landed at a super-busy Asian food cluster situated under the train tracks. Packed with plenty of locals, I figured the food and prices both to be good.

I found a sushi stand near the back of the market (think open-air market, something like a Fisherman's Wharf), complete with a sushi-chef hand rolling every order.

Thankfully, there was a menu printed with English prompts next to all of the Japanese characters, so I found a couple of rolls that sounded good and stepped up to order. I'm not going to lie. The small Japanese woman kind of scared me with her very aggressive "what do you want?"

I blurted my order, took out my ATM card and was again startled by this tiny-but-frightening little business owner. "Cash only!!". I dutifully fished out a $10 and a single. My scary friend then said, "Next time you call.." She even made the universal 'call-me' sign with her hand. I nodded, took my sushi and ran.

I did enjoy my made-to-order, hand-rolled spicy tuna and tempura shrimp rolls. I may be jumpy and a little on edge, but it was good sushi.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Burger Joint

Monday was the first full day in the city. We started early, as in leaving our hotel at 6 am to get into the city and in position for the first training session at 8 am...whew, that is an early start on East Coast time!

We had some time in between sessions and had to cross from the west side to the east side, so we opted to visit a few stores, say hi and grab a bite to eat. Eric promised Pete the best burger that he has ever had for lunch , so off we went to The Burger Joint, located behind a giant orange curtain in the swanky Le Parker Meridien. The hotel staff there has GOT to hate this place, as it queues up in a giant line that snakes around the lobby. The only marker for the restaurant is a small neon sign on the wall, although that monster line of people is a big help.

This place to me is a study how to do everything possible to keep customers away...and then experience amazing success as a result. Cash only. If you don't know your order when you get to the front of the line, go to the end. Bossy, hand-written signs stating that if it isn't on the menu, they don't have it. Impatient, rude employees who would as soon hit you then give you a my world that would be called a customer complaint, here it is considered part of the experience.

Not being a burger eater, I was thinking that I was going to end up eating fries for lunch because there was NO WAY that I dared to ask for a custom item. Thankfully, there was a piece of notebook paper taped to the back of the register that displayed a menu, including a grilled cheese sandwich, whew!

I ordered quickly, pissed off the cashier by asking for a receipt for my $10 grilled cheese and fries, and got lucky by finding a booth that opened up just as we were looking to sit down. We spent the entire meal marveling at how the owner (we assumed, anyway by the way he was yelling at everyone) gets to do whatever the heck he wants, advertise nowhere and sit back to count the money as people line up each day to throw their cash at him.

We SERIOUSLY need to figure out how to make this magic happen for ourselves!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eating Good in the Big Apple

Work has brought me to NYC for the week; it has been a while since I have been here, so I am enjoying the little discoveries as I travel through the city between stores.

Sunday was a travel day. I probably could have done a red-eye Sunday night to make it into the city for an 8 am Monday class, but have grown wiser in my years and am not going to subject myself to that kind of crazy torture...I've done it twice before and the last time I did it I think that I was groggy for 3 days trying to catch up!

The Sunday arrival meant that there was a little bit of time to catch up with some friends and enjoy dinner at Rosa Mexicano in a location I have not yet visited...Hackensack, NJ.

Rosa did not disappoint, even going so far as dessert because it was a featured item that the waiter did such a nice job describing, I couldn't pass it up. The simple name is chocolate cupcake, but it was sooooooooooo much more! I could only manage to eat 1/2 myself, but once pushed to the center of the table, it was quickly consumed by the rest of the group.

There is a lot of work on the docket this week and this is not a luxury trip, but I have to admit that we have planned out at least six of our next meals to make sure we hit some old favorites as well as some new places that promise to be great.

I ran on the treadmill yesterday in anticipation of the Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon next weekend, but the truth of the matter is I was really trying to get ahead of the fact that I am going to be eating my way through the city this week!

Monday, October 12, 2009


I was in Venice on Friday (as in the little bohemian community in Los Angeles, not Italy) for work and was instructed to try a pizza place called Abott's Pizza Co. if I wanted a good slice of NY style pizza.

After asking around (and then looking out the front door), I realized that it was right across the street, so I popped over for lunch.

I am not even sure that words can explain the deliciousness of my slice of goat cheese with sesame seeds on the bagel crust. There is also some kind of spicy dipping sauce that makes that tasty crust even tastier. I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch so much that I brought back a menu in anticipation of ordering some to take home for dinner.

I couldn't decide between the salad pizza (imagine a fully dressed Greek salad loaded with avocado on top of a cheese pizza) or the mushroom, because both were so heavily recommended by the people I asked for an opinion.

I ended up getting a small of both. YUM!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

One of Those Weeks

A friend from church sent me this cartoon today.

Given the fact that I spent the first 1/2 of the day thinking that it was Tuesday (it is Thursday), it speaks volumes to the pace and intensity of the week.

I do not, however, consider myself to be a dinosaur!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Apparently Very Memorable

Schnoogs and I had a quick bite of yogurt this evening; I had to swing by our favorite place in Northridge for a cup of "chilly bliss" because I left my apron and nametag there when I was working in the store on Friday (quite the fancy get-up when I have an apron, nametag, hat AND shirt). Since I had to go over to the store, I thought that I would give my girl a call and have her visit with me for an hour or so.

During our debrief session (a lot has happened in the 24 hours or so since we last saw one another), Holly was talking about some people that she has met in several of her classes, many of whom have recognized her from a class, event or gathering of some kind. An interesting fact, punctuated by the very confident statement of, "Apparently, I am very memorable."

And very humble, too.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dapper Dan

David is not big on dressing up. In fact, when we went to France last year, I didn't check in with his packing and assumed that when I said, "don't forget to bring a nice outfit for dinner on Christmas and New Years" he would know that would mean slacks, a shirt, coat and shoes.

What he showed up with was a flannel shirt, jeans and hiking boots. When I questioned how dressy a flannel shirt really was, his reply was, "this is my GOOD flannel shirt." I didn't realize that there was such a distinction.

Saturday night was a fancy event with the crowd at HART, including a dinner, some guest speakers and even an appearance by LA's Mayor Villaraigosa and one of the HART dogs...quite the celebrity A-list. I tease only because it is a pretty rare thing for David to want to get dressed up and go out, especially since I wasn't invited!

I remembered to ask this morning what he was going to wear, as I saw that the invitation said cocktail attire. I am glad that I asked, as the plan was a pair of black dockers (I will bet that they are at least 10 years old), a white short sleeved shirt (I thought that I gave that thing away, he must have dug it out of the pile) and a khaki jacket (still a bit rumpled looking after he left it in his truck from wearing it to Holly's graduation back in June). He did, however, plan to wear his dress shoes.

I tried to be gentle at first, but when the protests began, I took over and pulled together the ensemble you see here. I tried to be sly and just leave the tie on top of the jacket, but he wasn't going for it.

No worries, he looks pretty darn nice if you ask me!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Schnoogs and I have started a Wednesday tradition. We meet for dinner to catch-up on the midweek activities, and to allow me to make sure she isn't wasting away to nothing in her starving student era.

We decided to do things a little differently in choosing our dinner locations. No chains or "standard" restaurants. We are Yelping our way through the area, visiting places that catch our eye for food, ambiance or great reviews from fellow Yelpers. We have had success with every visit so far, this week being no exception at Gale's in Pasadena.

We had to venture outside of Northridge a bit because I am doing some field training for the next few weeks, making it tough to get back to Northridge by 7 or so. Schnoogs, not being one to miss a free meal, gladly offered to drive out and meet me, which worked out rather nicely.

This restaurant was a bit fancier than a few of the others that we have been to thus far, but it was extremely tasty (both the pumpkin ravioli and the gnocchi fell into the "would order again" category AND they were portioned generously enough to provide the starving student with lunch on Thursday), with a nice ambiance as well. Yelp is a great little tool for finding those places that we might otherwise completely miss.

Most importantly, Holly and I get some fine eating AND chatting time in together. Two of our favorite things!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fred Fairbanks the 4th

We have a new member of the Newton clan. A little over 40 pounds, white hair, blue eyes and cute little tufts of hair sticking up from his ears, Fred has joined the pack.

Fred has a sad little story. He was left in the backyard of his home with water but no food or contact for about 2 weeks. The home had been foreclosed and the family did not take their dog with them when they left. Fred is from San Diego, but HART picked him up because he is a little older (about 7-8 years)...that is how David came to learn of Fred and his plight.

Fred is actually Fairbanks (we aren't sure if this is a new name, as he doesn't answer to it but he doesn't seem to have the best hearing either, so who knows!), but I threw in the Fred because it fits in with our Scooby theme...Shadow technically should be Shaggy, but we will ignore that for now! We were also calling him #4 because, crazy as it sounds, he is the 4th dog in the house.

David was tricky with this one. He came over under the premise that he is being fostered. I can easily get behind that, but when I hear David using phrases such as, "if things work out" and "he seems to be acclimating well", I can bet that this will be the longest fostering EVER.

Lucky for us, Fred is a cutie!