We (mostly I) did not put on the best hostessing show. I was late getting home from work, so they ended up going out for KFC (and a special stop at Chipotle for me since there isn't a single entree that I can eat at the jankety-chicken place). Dinner was served in front of the TV (we are still working through all of the I Love Lucy DVDs) and predictably enough, I fell asleep in the chair. Quite the evening out for Ebe!
I managed to wake up in time to join a conversation about fire pits, burning wood and smokey fires. Holly was recounting a time that she was at a party at a friend's house where the wood in the fireplace was creating so much smoke out the chimney, the fire department was called. We debated the reasons that this happened...wood too wet, wood too dry (is there such a thing?), and then David's contribution...sappy pine.
Perhaps it was the delirium of being too tired, but that hit my funny bone and we started using "sappy pine" in every context imaginable...with contempt, excited, scared, maybe even as a swear word. I don't think that it translates as well in writing, but I am telling you, we had a good laugh about it.
It was a sappy pine evening for sure!