The movement from February to March for me means that St. Patrick's Day is coming and for that, we celebrate with...Shamrock Shakes!!! Remember my obsession two years ago with getting one, only to be denied two different times for various reasons? (I blogged about it, see if you remember the entry here). Last year, I completely missed out because I guess I just didn't go to Mickey D's. I seem to recall trying at the end of March, only to be told that they were out for the season.
2011 brought a gentle reminder from a friend last week during a conversation, when she reminded me about my obsession and asked me if the Shamrock Shake was in season yet. I made a mental note to put March 1st on my calendar so I could indulge in the deliciousness, and then went along my merry way.
This morning I had a plethora of things to do early before I left the house and then an early start time in the office, so instead of my usual fakey sausage and a banana, I opted to get an oatmeal and iced coffee from the Golden Arches on my way down Malibu Canyon.
Imagine my delight when I pulled around the drive through to see the banner proclaiming the good news...my beloved shake is already here! Talk about a little dose of serendipity at 6 o'clock in the morning!
I love the fact that no one even batted an eye when I placed my order, they even offered me whipped cream for the shake (I declined, empty calories, you know!). Yep, spring is officially here in my book, even if that means we are going to have rain and even some snow at the 1000' level. I've got my shamrock to keep me happy!