Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Schnoogs had a day last week...she got her first ticket. She and two other motorists on Moorpark Road were pulled over for doing 45...I think that the posted speed limit is normally 35 mph, which is bad enough, but there is some construction going on along the side of the road and the orange signs read 25. You might see where this is going.

Hurdle #1: telling me. I must say that Holly was pleasantly surprised...I did not get worked up at all. I listened, asked how she was with the officer (very polite and pro, of course) and then warned her, "You own this one. I'm not paying it for you AND you have to do traffic school to keep it off of the insurance.". I also warned her to brace herself for sticker shock, I am pretty sure that the rule in the great state of California is to double the penalty in a construction zone.

Hurdle #2 is next...seeing just how much this ticket is going to cost her!

1 comment:

Krisandr said...

The first ticket...Yikes! The first is always the toughest and I think you're right, fines are doubled in construction zone. I hope she doesn't have to take on a "second job" to pay for it.