Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tri-ed and True!

Moms in Motion - before the event!

March has shaped up to be quite the busy month.  Sunday was another activity, this one the Pasadena Triathlon, considered by me to be the kick-off to the triathlon season, this one is a little unique because it is actually a reverse, meaning we run first and swim last (plus some fine biking there in the middle).  It is also a sprint (shorter distances), so the two elements make it a great way to either ease into the season or the entire sport of triathlons.

Special to me for this event was the union of two of my groups of peeps - the MIMs - Moms in Motion and Ministry in Motion.  It was the first tri for several of the people there and the first time at Pasadena for most.  I was very conflicted around what shirt to wear, as I have a team uniform for both; I ended up wearing the white version from the Moms team because while it says Moms in Motion, it is a different color and therefore not as easily identifiable.  The costume of course is not as important as the experience!

Ministry in Motion - completed!!

The event was incredible...the weather was great (biblical proportions of rain fell on Sunday, but Saturday was cool and sunny), everyone was enjoying the course and the company, life was good for all!

Everyone did incredibly well in the different portions of the course and while there were a few struggles, everyone kept at it and finished, emerging from the pool dripping wet, a little tired but all smiles.  There are few things as satisfying as accomplishing a difficult task; for me the only thing greater is watching someone I care about do something that they never thought they would or could do and then seeing them persevere until it is done.

THAT is the tri spirit that I love!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

it was a wonderful finish after a bit of a rocky start - at least for me - I thank God for my amazing peeps - both classic and new!