Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 14 - Flowers

Sundays are pretty full and this week was no exception.  I had looked up the assignment in advance so I could carry it around in the back of my head like a mantra...I want to avoid getting in those clutch situations where I am losing some of my creative angle because I don't have the time or the lighting to get the shot that I want.

I have a TON of great flower pictures from my travels, probably not as many as Ebe who was dubbed the flora and fauna girl while we were in Hawaii because of all of the scenery and nature shots that she took.  I could have used one of the near-perfect roses that was snapped in Canada while on the Alaska cruise a few years ago, or anything from the botanical gardens in Hawaii earlier this month...but that would not be in keeping with the spirit of the project, so in the moment picture taking I went.

I left my camera at home (duh!), so I found myself out and about with just the Google phone for a camera.  We had to stop at the Brown's to pick up my tax documents to mail in (a long story, but Bettina and I enjoy dragging the tax process over the entire year, giving us a good excuse to visit with each other).  On the way back to the car, I saw that they had some nice looking roses in the front, including some particularly lovely pink roses, so I whipped out the phone, aimed it and took one snap...I didn't even check the shot to see if it came out because the glare from the screen was too much to let me get a clear read on it.

I'd say that it came out pretty well, God's beauty shines just about everywhere we look!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Pink - my favorite! I love the single rose with the blurred roses in the background - very artistic!