Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gumby is a Girl??!!

Gumby and Pokey for a new millennium
Happy Halloween!  I must confess that I am not the biggest fan of dressing up for Halloween - I am not sure that I ever was, unless you count being a ballerina for several years in a row during the elementary school years.  As an adult, I have been more prone to wearing a costume only when forced to, and it is typically with some amount of grumbling to accompany it.

Our Fellowship group celebrated Halloween in early October, with the mandate to every member to show up in a costume that depicts our favorite TV or cartoon character.  That is an easy call - Gumby!  Not being of the creative ilk, I immediately went to to see my choices and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the costume options were good AND relatively inexpensive.

A quick call to Elizabeth confirmed her willingness to go as a paired set of Gumby and Pokey (David is neither one for dressing up or the Fellowship group!), so I ordered the costumes and let them sit a week or two until the day of their debut at the party.  I tried both costumes on at home for David and Holly to see, they gave their approval and Holly snapped my photo.  As I reviewed the shots, I could not help my first reaction to the Gumby, "Are those my boobs??"  We had a good laugh because the answer is of course...yes and there is really no hiding it.

Elizabeth and I put the costumes on for our party at the side of the car, a couple of doors down from our destination.  She opted for Gumby, I for Pokey and we marched in, feeling very much the iconic duo of 60's claymation.  A neighbor of the host's house was out in her driveway and as we walked up, the first thing SHE said was, "Gumby is a girl??!"  Ebe had the right response, "It's Gumby for a new millennium."

We totally rocked those costumes.

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Yeah we rocked it! And then again at work!