Friday, June 27, 2008

Stripped Down

Yep, that's the same tree. Yep, it has been almost a month since I have posted. Yep, I feel kind of like that tree of late. There is a lot to fill in here so let's get it started.

The re-entry to work from the AWESOME England trip was (politely stated) rough. There were significant layoffs, restructuring and new assignments in my absence. These changes impacted me personally far more than I would have thought possible - and aside from the obvious changes in workload and priority - I am not entirely sure why. I suspect that it has a lot to do with what feels like the rapid degradation of the culture (aka the 'vibe') around the organization while business conditions continue to worsen in the general economy. It is certainly messing with my groove and isn't inspiring to get up and address each work day.

So far, this is not a very inspiring or uplifting post. I am going somewhere with this (we are creating context...remember?) The good news is that much like the tree pictured here on the right, there are signs of life again. You may have to look closely to see the small signs of new growth, but it is there. We enjoyed a 15-minute cinnamon bread break in the ops aisle yesterday, and spent the large majority of the time laughing about silly things until our stomachs hurt. I've had the opportunity to spend some time with friends outside of work, connecting on common interests and things that we can get excited about. I am fortunate to know so many high-quality people and our interests transcend work, making our lives richer beyond the walls of 9-5 (or 7-7 or whatever it ends up being on any given day).

It may take a while and things may be a bit sparse for a bit, but things will grow back strong and magnificent once again, much like the beloved Mulberry tree.

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