Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 1 - Self Portrait

Celebrate the triumphant return of the blogging discipline!  Thanks to two creative people who piqued my interest in stretching some creative muscles...Brenna for the 30-days of photos exercise and Ebe for suggesting we blog about the process.  I like it!

We begin with a self portrait.  Actually a hard first assignment, in my opinion!  My initial idea was one of action...I set my camera up in my cube at work with the self-timer and spun around in my chair.  In my head, it was really cool and blurry and would represent the constant state of action that I am usually in...so very profound, right?

After about 10 REALLY BAD pictures of me in various stages of frozen shots trying to look like I was moving, I abandoned the effort.  The day was getting later, I was supposed to be working and I was starting to obsess over this darn self-portrait.  I put the camera away for a while and just let the creative energy flow for a bit...there has to be something that I can do to represent me!

Enter the scissors.  I have what some call a bad habit of cutting my own bangs...I prefer to consider it a strong commitment to good grooming skills...and in one instance I actually used cuticle scissors to trim things up.  Admittedly, not my best look for a week or two after that encounter.

At any rate, behold the self-portrait!  Too much flash, too aggressive on the trim and all me, true to life!


Unknown said...

This is my fourth try to comment! I just love that you are blogging again and I love this picture. I miss you so much. Any chance we could come up for lunch?
Love you, Mom

Ebe said...

It is all true to life and I love the picture - you forgot a lot of fun!