Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day Ten - J is for...

It's the tiniest JUNIOR meal in the whole world!
Wednesday was a busy little day, given it was the day before Thanksgiving and I had a full day of work to cram into a 6 hour timeline.

It wasn't until I got to dinner (at about 9:45 pm, after the GREAT interfaith service at church) that I received what I would call inspiration for my J entry today.

Chipotle offers kid meals and since I knew that I would not be eating any lunch leftovers because of Thanksgiving weekend (we all know that we have expanded from a single day of eating to a whole 4-day weekend), it made sense to me to get the smaller meal so that I didn't waste any food OR consume too many calories (relative to what loomed for the weekend).

I got a quesadilla, which is in that little foil packet, but the miniature bag of chips was what really caught my eye in the whole process (it held 5 chips, in case you were wondering).  I guess that this could be considered some brilliant marketing, as the kids get the same experience as a full size meal, but it seemed a little wasteful to me to have a bag that small, even if it is intended for the junior crowd.

I will say that I was glad to have been with Ebe, who got the full sized bag of chips.  5 just wasn't going to cut it for me, especially with that itty bitty quesadilla!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

that bag of chips was the cutest EVER!!