Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day Eighteen - R is for...

RED palm don't see that every day!
As I was pondering my entry for the letter R, the color red came to mind right away, and then I fixated.  We did the color red last year in the other 30 Days of Photos exercise and I recall being very proud of my avante garde interpretation of my car's tail lights.

Not one to duplicate, I started to look around for options.  An apple...did that for the letter A.  A stop sign...did that for close-up last year.  It is kind of dreary and rainy outside today, so the outdoor shots don't hold a lot of appeal...

Ah, the In-N-Out plastic cup.  Put a red folder behind it, get super close and let the magic happen from there.  It's really righteous, don't you think?

1 comment:

Ebe said...

dude - totally righteous! and a very cool cup as well!