Friday, January 9, 2009

Interesting Fascination

Back from France for about a week now, life has been chugging along at a regular pace and we have all been immersing ourselves back into an established routine. No more cappuccinos and pain au chocolate for the Schnoogs, no more vin chaud for David and no more goat cheese on toast for yours truly. Don't mistake the wistful food recollections for sadness; we are all happy to be home and reunited with the pups and sleeping in our own beds again, and of course, we will always have Paris!

The commute routine is alive and well, with plenty of different experiences and sights to see. I realized as I was walking along Wilshire this morning that I enjoy working (not living!) in an urban area; there is always so much going on and so much is always in flux.

I have been watching some of the different billboards and advertising methods of late, this week it has been a building near Fairfax and Wilshire transform from a "Valkyrie" ad to a Caffeine-Free Pepsi board. This particular location has been catching my eye for a couple of reasons:

1. The only time that Tom Cruise will ever look tall to me is when he is splayed up the side of a 20-story building
2. The process to "wrap" and "unwrap" (if that is the phrase used) the building appears to be a slow and tedious one, creating a few days of old and new ads up on the building
3. I am really easily fascinated by new things

I have been using the word fascinating in my vocabulary lately; I credit my good friend Elizabeth for that one, who utters the declaration often. I also think fondly of another good friend, Barb, when fascinated by something always says, "that is very interesting to me." I enjoy the particular speech patterns and habits of my friends; they are simultaneously fascinating AND interesting to me!

When I cracked out the camera to capture this shot, I found myself wishing that I had taken the picture yesterday when 1/2 of the building was Pepsi and the other 1/2 was giant Tom Cruise. Take my word for it, fascinating is a kind word for that view!


Ebe said...

Glad that I could contribute to your day to day vocabulary. It truly is fascinating how the words and phrases that others use - rub off so easily on us!

Krisandr said...

What an interesting and fascinating Blog today! :-)