Thursday, October 25, 2012


Googly Eyes and a marshmallow gun...typical day in the office
Most people spend a good number of hours at work, and I am no exception.  I will admit that in the last 6 months or so, things have shifted a bit in terms of who is in the office and sitting in my general area, and I must say that the change is refreshing and disturbing all at the same time.

My team likes to have fun.  A LOT of fun and sometimes probably with a little more noise and enthusiasm than others in the area may like, but when you get right down to it, it makes the office a heck of a lot more enjoyable.

Let's take yesterday as a standard example of what goes on.  Annette had the above pictured "googly eyes" on her car (a Halloween costume, as I understand it), which fell off in the middle of some intersection during her commute in.  Just because they aren't road-worthy, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be in use somewhere, so into the office they come.

Mandi was munching on some marshmallows right out of the bag, which seems a bit extreme, even for her.  Turns out that her new marshmallow gun was not working, so she set it up to make it look like fangs for our googly-eyed friend.  From there, we had quite a discussion around the mechanics of a marshmallow gun and what it takes to make it work, then there was some energy spent adjusting it and the next thing I knew, we were under attack by a rapid fire battery of marshmallows.

While there was a temporary disturbance to the workflow, productivity quickly resumed, save for the occasional outburst by someone who unwittingly stepped on an unseen marshmallow.  For those of us in the corner, that is just a normal part of any workday!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

I want to work there - I'm always getting 'talked to' for being too loud in the workplace!