Thursday, June 4, 2009

Eleventh Grade

Pressure!!!!  The big graduation day is drawing ever closer.  Junior year was a pretty good one for the Schnoogs.  She was in the midst of Band Camp when photos were taken; hence the stylin' shirt here.  There was much teasing and heckling about that, I can assure you.

I enjoyed Holly's 11th grade, as this was the year that I went along on the Band/Color Guard competitions as a worker/chaperone.  I wore my kelly green band booster shirt with pride.  I did EXACTLY what I was told to do with the props (the Mom who was in charge of that section, and to whom I was assigned as a personal assistant had been in the program for something close to 12 years with the way her kids were spaced out and she was clearly senior to yours truly!)

Holly got her act together with her study habits too, and although she wasn't sure what she wanted to do and would get a little stressed whenever anyone spoke of college plans, we continued to move ever-closer to the big year.

I'm with you Holly, I don't think that I am quite ready for it either!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

So when you were a worker/chaperone - did you wear green laces on your black shoes?!