Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 11 - Something Fun

Fun, I like!  There are many options to consider here, but some confinement due to the fact that I am supposed to be working most days and cruising around looking for photo ops is not necessarily where I should be spending my time.

I started the day thinking that I would do a picture on PCH, possibly of another person taking a picture of the sunrise, as it is not uncommon for me to see someone else pulling up to do the same thing I have stopped to do...capture the amazing hues and colors on the horizon as the sun peeks up over the Santa Monica pier.  Good idea, kind of of lousy picture, so I quickly scrapped that idea.

My inspiration then came while I was staring outside, sitting on a conference call.  There is a park between my building at work and the next one, with several cool trees that invite anyone with an adventurous spirit to climb them.  Climbing a tree is fun, so out I went on a quick photo break after my call was over.

I had to make 3 loops around the park.  Loop 1 was because I picked the day the landscapers are here to take my photo and it felt weird to be climbing the tree in my work clothes while the sprinklers were being tested.  Loop 2 happened when a couple came and sat on the bench right next to the tree...I got a bit self conscious and walked away.  Loop 3 occurred when the landscapers were back, this time raking the leaves out of the planter right next to the tree.

Finally!  The tree and I were alone.  I hiked up my pants and scurried up the trunk, and then promptly fell into the dirt below.  It isn't that surprising and probably more impressive that I did not rip, cut or bruise anything.

I quickly changed my strategy and opted for the up-shot of the faux-climb.  Who knew this project could be so hazardous?

1 comment:

Ebe said...

I find it very amusing to think of you walking around trying to wait for the perfect moment! It makes me smile!