Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 12 - Close-up

Another day of multiple attempts before landing on the right shot.  I either lack a camera with good close-up abilities OR (and this is the greater likelihood) I lack the skills to effectively zoom in and take a picture of something close up.

I had this whole Ferris-Bueller-at-the-art-gallery idea with the fabric on my cubicle wall.  Seven shots later (all since deleted) and I can tell you that it will never be something that I can pull off.  I then went about the office looking to photo several other items - a raspberry, a magnet, the refrigerator door, our logo, my coffee cup and a key...the results were: blurry, lame, indistinguishable, doesn't translate, dull and reflective.

I walked around the building, looking for some creative inspiration and also decided that I needed to change my strategy and try to get a close-up of something that would still be somewhat recognized.  Some yahoo honked their horn at the car in front of them who was stopped and not moving and I saw it...

Close, recognizable and actually kind of cool.  I approve and thanks to the yahoo for honking!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

as a licensed driving instructor I find it very cool also - and very nicely framed - most excellent!