Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 8 - Technology

I love technology.  I have declared this on more than one occasion in more than one place.  Today's photo is focused on technology and for that reason I decided to focus on my current favorite piece of Google phone!

I had a whole Lion King, lift-the-phone-to-the-sky-and-take-a-picture-of-it-framed-in-the-sun visual in my head, but had that grand plan dashed with the sad fact that I left my camera at home my backpack, along with my computer.  Yes, I actually walked out of the house without my computer today AND I didn't even realize it until I got into the office and got to my desk; that was indeed a FAIL moment for me and all of my technology!

Forunately, my fancy technology phone has a camera on BOTH sides and mirrors (decidedly low-tech, but effective) exist abundantly in the office, so...voila!  A phone that can take it's own picture!

That is technology at its best, indeed.

1 comment:

Ebe said...

I wondered if that was done with a mirror... it looks great! so much fun to hear the other ideas in your head.