Friday, November 16, 2012

Day Five - E is for...

An EXTENDED desktop is a nice thing in the workplace!
The photo challenge continues and I am on the prowl for something different, unique and of course interesting to make this whole process compelling.  There is a big readership to keep happy, after all!

Today's entry was the creative inspiration of a technology FAIL.  I came out from a meeting to find myself staring at a blank computer screen - both the monitor and my computer on the dock were blank and nothing I did could bring either back to life.

I fancy myself somewhat technology-savvy, so I performed a variety of tests before I diagnosed the issue - my monitor was shot and I needed a new one.  The advantage of working in a smaller office and coordinating a lot of work through the IT team is quick and speedy service, so I trotted on over, made my request and within 10 minutes, voila!  Not only did I have a working monitor and computer once again, the monitor is double the size of the old one!

This brings us to the letter of the day...E.  In addition to having an extended screen, I am very excited too!  I would describe this all as EXCELLENT.

1 comment:

Ebe said...

my what a big screen you have!