Sunday, November 11, 2012

Seahorse DOWN!

The creative abilities of my office team are always appreciated
Life is rarely dull, in or out of the office, although some of my more interesting stories do come from work.  This past week was indeed a busy one, with some staffing, position, and reporting changes that impacted my entire team in one way or another.  Humor is a good coping mechanism, which is the avenue they took to entertain us all.

One of the people in the office, Bob, once told us a story of an incident he had while working as a character in one of the parades at Walt Disney World.  The story is much longer, but the punchline is Bob, on the ground in a giant seahorse costume and unable to get up on his own.

We use the "seahorse down" analogy for anything that might be off in Bob's world, and the team decided to use it for our personnel changes as a good laugh.  I was impressed with the level of detail, including Bob's face pasted onto the seahorse.  The prop was staged and in place for Bob's arrival in the morning, however the comedic timing was a bit thwarted by the cleaning staff, who picked up the seahorse and put it on a desk nearby.

The seahorse down was more of a seahorse lost issue for a bit, but once we found him, it made a lot more sense.  Perhaps you had to be there.  We laughed quite a bit!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Seahorse lost - I got a chuckle out of that - but it could mean so much more than just seahorse on the desk...