Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There has been much activity of late, so much that I have been saving up some items to share. One such adventure was a trip to Catalina - the first time - for the day a week or so ago on Saturday.

My friend Mark (aka Mr. Eddy Faddah for a silly reason long ago when I started calling him that and it just stuck) has a fine habit of bidding for cool items at silent auctions intended to raise money for great children's charities. He had his eye on this boat trip the minute that it became available at an event that he intended, with the full intention of taking the group of us (4 friends from 10 years back) out on an excursion.

Mr. Eddy Faddah naturally outbid every other hopeful, and secured us an all-day boat excursion to just about anywhere we wanted to go, including Catalina. Of the group, Mark was the only one who had ever been, so we decided to venture out on the journey to see new and exciting things.

The day was postcard perfect in terms of weather, and we had a great time too. The ride out was a bit bumpy, but we hardly noticed as we chatted, laughed, snacked and caught up on what was going on with each of us.

This was a day trip that I would be happy to repeat again and again...thanks, Mr. Eddy Faddah!!

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