Friday, October 2, 2009

Fred Fairbanks the 4th

We have a new member of the Newton clan. A little over 40 pounds, white hair, blue eyes and cute little tufts of hair sticking up from his ears, Fred has joined the pack.

Fred has a sad little story. He was left in the backyard of his home with water but no food or contact for about 2 weeks. The home had been foreclosed and the family did not take their dog with them when they left. Fred is from San Diego, but HART picked him up because he is a little older (about 7-8 years)...that is how David came to learn of Fred and his plight.

Fred is actually Fairbanks (we aren't sure if this is a new name, as he doesn't answer to it but he doesn't seem to have the best hearing either, so who knows!), but I threw in the Fred because it fits in with our Scooby theme...Shadow technically should be Shaggy, but we will ignore that for now! We were also calling him #4 because, crazy as it sounds, he is the 4th dog in the house.

David was tricky with this one. He came over under the premise that he is being fostered. I can easily get behind that, but when I hear David using phrases such as, "if things work out" and "he seems to be acclimating well", I can bet that this will be the longest fostering EVER.

Lucky for us, Fred is a cutie!

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