Friday, October 23, 2009

Getting Dirty

While in SF last weekend for the 1/2 marathon, I had the chance to catch with my friends SaraJ and Tina, as well as their kids Luke and Gemma and the dogs, Scout and Memphis. It was a beach outing and I got to come along for the ride to catch up and spend a couple of hours together.

It was a cool but beautiful day at the beach and everyone loved running around the great outdoors, discovering cool things like sticks and rocks and dirt. We finally made it down to the beach, where there were even more fascinating things like seaweed, sand and mud!

These kids are not afraid 0f a little dirt, let me tell you! Gemma rather enjoyed rubbing her hands in the mud, picking it up and moving it in large clumps from one end of the beach to the other, and Luke at one point in time just laid down face first and shoved some sand down his shirt for good measure.

I like the way these kids do things, fully present and all in! Who cares about a little dirt in the car afterwards?

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