Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Combed my Hair!

Wednesday night is always something to look forward to, as the Schnoogs and I get together for dinner somewhere cool and catch up on the week. We have missed the last 2 weeks of our outings due to conflicts between assignments (her) and work (me). I am still doing some training rollouts through next week, which means I am spending at least every Wednesday and Friday in a store, geared up in the full team uniform which includes a hat.

I actually don't mind wearing the gear, as it means I get to wear shorts and running shoes; a bit casual perhaps, but certainly comfortable and it makes it much easier to hang with the team (all of whom are now in the same age range as my daughter) and swirl some tasty yogurt.

Because my training goes straight to 7:30 pm, I made arrangements to have Holly come meet me in Woodland Hills and we had a bonus visitor, our friend Elizabeth who has ventured all the way from South Orange County for some training work herself (she informed me that this is the least desirable training location to go to, with the "i" in Hills often switched to an "e" as her co-workers bicker over who will be stuck coming out to the area.) No appreciation for the finer points of the Valley!

As I dashed over to meet my dinner party, I made what felt like a noble attempt to tidy up; I changed shirts, took off my hat and combed my hair. I combed it A LOT, like 4 or 5 different times, trying to plaster it down and eliminate some of the hat-hair frizz that was going on. It just could not be done and I had to settle with a "this is as good as it is going to get" attitude.

Holly & Elizabeth were waiting for me and after the hellos were over, I blurted out (as if I had turrets), "I combed my hair!" Elizabeth laughed out loud and Holly rolled her eyes. We all agreed that it wasn't it's best, but my concern over the state of my hair was a bit obsessive and it was time to let it go.

Besides, I was hungry and we had some catching up to do!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

It's not so much H*ll when I have good friends to share meals with! Thanks to you and Holly for a lovely evening! And the hair looked fine!