Friday, March 25, 2011

Clean-up on Aisles 2 AND 5

I had quite a start to the day on Wednesday this week.  It is not uncommon for me to wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 am on a work day, do a few chores (the quiet type, like laundry, not vacuuming!) and then be on my merry way to work, usually leaving around 6:00 am.

It was no different on Wednesday, with a load of laundry waiting in the washer from the night before to be hung up on the rack.  I went into the garage, turned on the light and noticed the laundry detergent container in the bottom of the laundry basket sitting in front of the washer.  Upon closer examination, I realized that it had somehow fallen off the top of the washer and into the basket, knocking the top off and spilling it's sticky blue liquid into the bottom of the blue basket.

Marveling at my good fortune of having the basket there to catch the mess, I decided that I would also be able to save the majority of the spilled contents (about 1/3 of the bottle) by pouring the detergent right back into the bottle.  An excellent idea, were it not for the holes in the front of the basket that the concentrated liquid soap started to spill out from.  Oops.  Now we had quite a mess on the floor of the garage.

I slipped back into the house to get some paper towels and in my haste, I kicked one of the dog water bowls, spilling a good quart of water onto the kitchen floor.  This was NOT part of the plan.  I decided to use beach towels to sop up the water in the house first, then out to the garage to try and make some progress on the blue goo.

I ended up laying newspaper across the floor and warning David that there was a "bit of a mess" in the garage.  So much for having an efficient and productive morning!

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