Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kazakhstan Bound!

There has been talk of this happening for quite some time now, but it has happened...Brittany (aka Little Britty) has left for her Peace Corps assignment in Kazakhstan. 

It is a bittersweet milestone, because we are naturally proud and excited for Little Britty to be selected for the Peace Corps (it is no easy task to get accepted, believe you me!) and her assignment is impressive (teaching English...the first step is going to be learning either Kazakh or Russian!), but sending her off means that she is gone for 27 months! (A 2-year commitment plus 3-months of training)

The farewell at the airport was hard, yet still a very exciting thing.  Brittany looked a bit like the celebrity, between her entourage, pictures and big is safe to say that she is our own little celeb and as such received an appropriate send-off.

Brittany had a full day of orientation in Washington DC, then got right onto a plane for something like 12 hours to land in Kazakhstan slightly after midnight on March 11th (it was still the 10th for us back home, as we get our news of Little Britty from the future, clocking in 14 hours behind her while we are here on the west coast).  Safe, sound and ready to get on with the adventures, Brittany has arrived and will be chronicling her adventures soon.

We are seriously proud!

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