Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Op

Wednesday was a day spent working on-site for a photo shoot.  Yes, this was for work, yes it was a bit tiring and yes, it was for yogurt.  I spent 9 1/2 hours with 5 other people on a glamour shot for a cup of yogurt and several unrelated toppings.  This is very serious business going on here!
It is actually a pretty good gig to go to the photo shoot studio; the team is incredibly nice, very talented and I can drink all of the tea that I want using the cool Kruger individual cup brewing system!  We have Internet access to do work in between shots, have lunch brought in and enjoy some cool background music.  It is a nice change from the daily office routine and the finished product is always impressive, plus it is nice to play a role in what the customer-facing marketing elements will look like for each new flavor.

The work is surprisingly tedious, as we striveto get the absolute PERFECT shot and we are working with a perishable product.  There is a lot of staging, practice and discussing, especially when dealing with toppings that don't stay put, such as caramel.

That frozen yogurt can be such a diva!

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