Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 17 - On the Shelf

I am sure that there were many interpretations for today's assignment and while I had a few ideas for inspiration, none of them were rockin' my world, so I just kept it in the back of my head.

We have a shelf above the pantry cabinets in the kitchen at home that used to have a cute display of boxes, baskets and silk plants; at some point in my traveling days David and Holly converted it to an extension of the cabinet where we keep the corning ware.  It irritates me no end, yet I haven't made the time to go through and clean out the cabinet so that the items will fit in easily.  I can get everything in there (with a good deal of stacking), but D & H claim a degree in origami is required, so they do not attempt to put anything away.

At any rate, I didn't fancy putting up a photo of something that irritates me, so I opted for my goose and turkey friends, amongst the faux greenery that is in the corner of my cube.  Someone brought in a bunch of farm animal figurines a year or so ago and for some time there were pigs, cows, etc., all lined up on the edge/shelf of the cube wall.  I am not a fan of a lot of trinkets at my desk, so one quiet Friday morning, Farmville disappeared, save for the two webbed-footed specimens you see here.

They have a quiet and serene life up on that shelf.


Mom said...

I think Gumby & Pokey should be hiding in the greenery, always on the look out. Did I read right? Corning ware on top of the cabinets?
Yikes!!!! xoxo Mom

Ebe said...

Your desk must be the complete opposite of mine - of course I don't sit at my desk at work - no computer to collect all those email messages on! :)