Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 30 - Self Portrait #2

The 30-day photo project wraps up in DC, which turned out to be fun as I moved around the city, filled with monuments and landmarks that are known the world over.  Most of my time in DC was spent in meetings, so I did not really do any sight-seeing, other than what I could see as I rolled past in a cab or car.

After the "big" meeting and subsequent dinner on Tuesday, I was in a car with some colleagues on our way back to the hotel and the White House was in full view.  The driver commented that he had never seen the White House live and in person before, so with just a little prompting from me, he agreed to park so that we could walk to check it out.

There is a whole story around parking that deserves it's own blog entry; the end game is we made it over to the front of the White House, which in my opinion looks even better at night thanks to some great lighting.

My first self portrait yielded a really unflattering and almost frightening shot of me, looking as if I was having some sort of medical emergency.  I tried another time or two, but abandoned it after determining the flash of the camera on me was clashing with the lighting around the White House.

Option #2.  That's me...see my ring?  I like the way one of the lights around the fountain somehow looks as if my index finger is the source.  

This has been a fun assignment, I need to figure out an entertaining way to keep the blogging and photo skills alive!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

that is cool about the light and your finger - I hadn't noticed that before... and I have some ideas about keeping the blog alive!