Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 18 - In My Bag

Today's assignment had a lot of options assigned with it.  I realize that I carry a lot of bags around (note - I said BAGS, not baggage...don't go putting words in my mouth!)  

There is my purse (and admittedly, that is only in the last 4 or 5 years that I actually carry one around, much to the chagrin of my mother, right Mom?), my backpack (which weighed in at 17.5 lbs over my vacation, technically 2.5 pounds over my lifting limitation allowed), a bag with all of my running clothes in it, the assorted sundry reusable grocery bags floating around in the back of my car and the "lunch bag" that I use to drag things back and forth to the office.

The "lunch bag" today is my current favorite, the freebie I got at Hilo Hattie in Hawaii.  I like the colors and the reminder of a fun trip.  It is later in the afternoon now, so the lunch has long since been put in the refrigerator and later consumed, but that was in there, along with my yogurt, a plum and a can of Trader Joe's iced mocha.  All that remain now are my crocs - a staple for driving back and forth to work to avoid the annoyance of driving in heels.

This whole ensemble fits rather neatly under my desk, and that is the story of our picture today!


Mom said...

Praise the Lord for the purse Fairy finally visiting you! But, I must admit I love the lunch bag from Hilo Hattie's, Even that could be a small purse! xoxo Mom

Ebe said...

I've been known at work as the Bag Lady with my backpack, my purse, my lunch bag, and sometimes another bag for anything else that won't fit the aforementioned bags!