Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 21 - Patterns

The weekends are proving a little challenging in this photo project.  I think that the challenge is more around how I organize and set up my day to ensure I remember to take the photo!

Sunday is always a full day, and this week was no exception.  It started with a heavy rainstorm to drive through on our way to Mission Viejo, then church at both campuses, lunch and a dinner meeting.  I knew in the back of my head that I needed to take my photo and I even remembered that it was a pattern, but once again I found myself near the end of the day without anything good to show for my efforts!

I remembered the error in my ways when I saw Ebe taking a picture of the inside flap of her purse - it has at least 4 different patterns and I am sure has been framed to be very cool.  I didn't even have my camera with me!

Fortunately, Ebe was kind enough to loan me her camera and was even in the process of pointing out a pattern that I could use.  We were on the same wavelength and I made her stop with the suggestions, this is supposed to be my own creative interpretation!

Thank goodness for bulletin board borders, is all that I can say!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

You are very cute! And what wonderful creative interpretation you made!