Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 29 - In Motion

Still in Washington DC and now it is morning - the topic is motion!  If you were wondering, using a timer on the camera to take a picture of yourself jumping up and down on the bed in your PJ's is fun in theory, but poor in execution.

With the morning calisthenics out of the way, I turned outward for some motion inspiration. My DC hotel (it was actually in Arlington, I passed by the Pentagon on my way there) faced out to a fairly busy road and I felt that the stillness and beauty of the changing leaves, contrasted with the two lanes of traffic - stopped and moving - made for a pretty interesting shot.

Ebe pointed out that the yield sign ends up being a really clear...and really still...focal point in the midst of the truck & car in motion.  I would like to say that I planned that, but that is not really true, just some advantageous framing!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

that is just so cool with the yield sign!!!!