Monday, February 2, 2009

5K today...1/2 marathon...soon??

I am taking a brief break from the house building tales to provide a breaking-story around yesterday's Surf City Marathon and subsequent races. Elizabeth has never before run a 5K (or run further than 2.5 miles at once, without a spell of walking or two), so Kris and I decided that we needed an outing to make the magic happen.

Surrounded by more than 18,000 of our closest jogging friends, we showed up for a 7:15 am running of the Surf City 5K. After pulling a miraculous parallel parking job on some side street, we walked past a parking garage and about 15 open spaces on Main Street on our way to the 5K starting line...oh well, I got to prove my crazy skills! The quest for a bathroom proved a little more complicated and confusing than we might have liked, but we managed to take care of urgent matters and line up near the back of the crowd in the "12 minute runners/walkers" row. Our people!

We set off on our little journey with Nike Plus systems set, watches synchronized and nerves under control. We quickly settled into a nice running rhythm with Kris, myself and Elizabeth running in a row down PCH in Huntington Beach. The pace was comfortable and allowed for some incessant chatter by yours truly. I don't know what it is, but put me out on a long walk or run and I will talk your ear off! Fortunately, those who hang around to hear it say that they appreciate the distraction. Maybe I just inspire those who are annoyed by it to run faster!

Our path made a turn back so that we were headed back in the direction of the finish line...and the 1/2 marathoners who set out after us (the marathoners had been sent off earlier in the morning). Elizabeth was the one who commented on how interesting it sounded to hear all of those feet hitting the ground and running...thunderous hooves, I would say!

Our 5 kilometers (3.1 miles for those like myself who are still metric challenged) ended quickly and without incident; we even had a nice sprint at the end to finish it off. 36 minutes and we were done. Of course, that probably seems like an eternity to the winner who pounded it out in 16:02, but since we weren't allowed to use a skateboard or bike, we are going to have to settle for our time!

With the confidence of a completed event, shiny new medal and realization that this group running thing is fun, I think that I've got Kris and Elizabeth sold on the idea of a 1/2 marathon at some point. Of course, we should probably take it in small steps, so that would make the 10K next. How does early May sound, ladies?


Ebe said...

did a bit of investigation work yesterday on the May 10K and Sept 1/2 Marathon - all are open for registration... and I've marked them on my calendar... count me in!

Krisandr said...

I'm in for the 10K and I guess I have to meet the challenge of the 1/2 marathon if Ebe is in. I'll check my softball schedule for the 1/2 and if it's clear, I'm in. Yikes what did I just commit to?