Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Beware of Sharp Tools!!

I must admit that I didn't know what to expect when I showed up Friday night at the center Craig and his group were staying at in Mexico (south a bit of Tijuana). We were welcomed warmly by the group who told tales of some unbearable heat at the job site and also to a chiropractic table in the middle of the courtyard...Matt was sharing his occupation with all who wanted to take advantage!

The next morning had everyone up by 6, packing our lunches, loading up on water, eating breakfast and gathering our tools. I was assigned to Laura's group-a fine collection of 8 or 9 other builders with varying degrees of skill but all committed to getting the job done.

The first few minutes I felt a little awkward; this group had a whole day on me in terms of experience! Soon, Jerry took me under his wing as his apprentice and we were framing in windows, which required me to use two tools that I was hoping to avoid-the table saw and nail gun. When I was packing my tools and gear to prepare for the trip, David had warned me against both of those tools if at all possible. He, more than anyone else knows of my potential to be clumsy and likely envisioned some none-too-pleasant outcome of me with power tools.

I am pleased to report that no appendages were cut, punctured or in any way harmed through my efforts!

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