Monday, February 9, 2009

Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street?

I was listening to NPR the other morning when I heard that Sesame Street will be celebrating its 40th year on-air this November. They played the theme song in the background of the story and I instantly realized that I still know every word of that thing!

Sesame Street can be easily credited for my love of reading, writing and the English language in general. I realize now that I was a member of the first audience...little Gen-Xers who were eager to learn and make it big in the world. My Mom will also tell you that it was Sesame Street that launched my reading career...I even remember at 3-years old, writing my ABCs across a chalk board, then grouping letters together to make words. I would drag one of my parents in, find out which were real words, and then write it in the corner until I had quite a vocabulary going. Yep, even then I displayed a fine analyzer style!

Realizing that Sesame Street has endured and educated not only my generation but my daughter and her generation as well makes me awfully proud of Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch and Snuffleupagus, along with all of their Muppet and people friends.

Sunny days, chasing the clouds away!

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