Sunday, February 15, 2009

Basket Case

I am a big Trader Joe's shopper, tailoring many of my recipes to use TJ ingredients so that I can do all of my food shopping there and avoid the "regular" grocery store most of the time.

They strike me as a pretty cool company, and have a very loyal following. In fact, some very clever person made a video about Trader Joe's and posted it on YouTube. I only know this because my friend Joe posted it on his cool blog and I saw it there. It is lame to rip off stuff from someone else's blog, so check it out here and enjoy Joe's entry on Cool Things That Are Cool.

Back to my point. I was doing my usual Sunday afternoon shopping last week and got caught behind what I am going to guess was a 5-year old, organizing her mini-basket of groceries. Particularly interesting to me was the emphatic fashion that she was organizing her cart; she wanted everything to stack just so.

I can certainly identify with my smaller Trader Joe's counterpart; there are few things as annoying as having the yogurts flop around in the bottom of the basket with the bananas!

It's good to know that the breed of anal/obsessive/compulsive little kids carries on, for we grow up to make fine adults!


Ebe said...

Nothing wrong with being anal / obsessive / compulsive!

Joe said...

Hey Jan - thanks for the mention on your blog - I feel like a celebrity! And on the subject of borrowing-from-Blogs: I found the TJ's video when another friend posted it on Facebook...