Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Raining Entrepreneurs

It rained pretty solid in LA yesterday, in addition to a wet day or two a couple of weeks ago. The whole "storm watch" phenomenon of TV news aside, I saw an entrepreneurial side to the city that I have never seen before.

When I got on the Red Line in North Hollywood, when I emerged to street level again at Wilshire and Vermont, it had started to drizzle. On cue (and I have no idea from where they came), there were 4 different people, one on each corner, selling from a big basket of umbrellas!

Beyond my fascination at how quickly they were out there was the number of people purchasing umbrellas. It wasn't raining that hard, we had been warned that it was going to rain, and no one has ever melted (the wicked witch of the east notwithstanding)n so why the urgency?

I suppose that even in tough economic times the wheels of capitalism should keep turning...I have it, you want it, I'll sell it!

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