Thursday, February 5, 2009

El Yummy!

During the drive from LA (Tim was kind enough to pick me up at my office) to Mexico for our work trip a couple of weeks ago, Tim and I started to chat about favorite foods. I went on for EVER about this little Mexican food restaurant that my family and I went to almost every Saturday when I lived in San Diego; El Indio. It is on India Street near Washington on the edge of Mission Hills and Old Town and it is unbelievable.

Tim is also a Mexican food fan, so he listened eagerly as I spoke of the only three things I ever eat there; chips, guacamole and the "rolled quesadilla", which is more appropriately described as a cheese burrito. I really, really love that place.

We picked up Jeff (a member of the Shepherd of the Hills Church, we were just one happy car pool) in Clairemont as we passed through San Diego. Within minutes of our introduction, we were talking about San Diego and, yep, El Indio. Jeff pointed out that it was about dinner time and El Indio was on our way to the border, which was all the encouragement any one needed, we stopped and ate our fill!

It was so good that Tim and I stopped again on the way home Sunday to pick up some cold items to take back home to the families for dinner.

El Indio two times in one weekend AND I was a hero for bringing it home, it doesn't get much better than that!

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