Thursday, February 19, 2009

Civic Responsibility

I finally made good on my jury summons that came back in December; my original date was planned during our France trip, so I requested a deferral, then I requested a specific day and then I had to move it because of a work conflict. Fortunately, the good people of the Ventura County courts were accommodating and I do not have to live in fear of being arrested!

The morning started out easily enough; orientation and 2 jury panels...I wasn't called for either. It's a whole lot of sitting around and waiting, so I am grateful to benefit from my tax dollars hard at work with free wireless Internet! The hour and a half lunch certainly wasn't an issue in my book; it made for a nice 2-mile walk to lunch at Daphne's (I do enjoy the falafel every now and again!), the bank to deposit a check and then back again. I called David at lunchtime to brag about my long break to which he tersely replied, "It must be nice." was!

As soon as we returned from lunch, another panel was called, and I along with it! We trotted up to the 4th floor, were sworn in, received some directions from the judge (who is a character by the way!) and then the excuses began. When it was over, almost 1/2 of the panelists had managed to be excused. Once the case was announced, another 3 declared themselves unfit to serve, so off they went.

And then we were 30. I was in the first group of 12 called to the box, where I have so far answered about 15 questions about my personal life and beliefs. They haven't bounced me for any offensive behavior yet, and the judge had an appointment to go to at 3:30, so we were dismissed for the day and cordially invited (that would be mandated) to return at 9 am tomorrow.

Let's see how civic minded I am as this process extends from 1-day and turns into 1-trial requirement!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

I am so jealous! I know people hate jury duty - but I would love to be called - in the 15 years that I have lived back in Orange County - I have never been called - so enjoy!