Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Bridge with a View

Packinglogue, day 4...we finished! To be clear, we cleared out every drawer, cupboard, closet, cabinet and nook in the apartment. Four trips down to the dumpster later the trash was out. It looks like we have about two carloads to take to Goodwill tomorrow and THEN the movers can do their stuff.

In celebration of finishing the apartment, we left for JFK to pick up the rental car (the Audi ships off tomorrow too!), which is quite a jaunt from Hackensack, let me tell you...3-hours round trip to be exact! That is a lot of time on the road, tolls and views of the city from different bridges!

There is still a lot to do but at the same time we are enjoying the brief lull in the action until everything starts up again at 8am should be exciting!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

1 comment:

Ebe said...

I'm not moving - but will you come to my house and pack up the crap and take it to Goodwill?!
Have a good rest of your trip!