Monday, September 29, 2008

Farewell to the City

Today was a busy day...the movers did their gig! I must admit that I had some concerns about how things were going to turn out when the movers didn't show at was almost 10 and I had visions of my next blog entry, 'It's 10am, do you know where your movers are?' Fortunately, they showed up with 4 guys at about 10:15 and busted a move to finish up by about 5:30.

76 boxes and 1765 cubic feet later (you pay by the cubic foot in the game of moving), the truck was loaded. Who knows how many trips it was up and down between the apartment and the truck; I can tell you that I am super glad for the wheel and the elevator - just for the bit of stuff that I carted down 16 floors over the past few days.

We watched the sun set over NYC from the balcony of Eric's apartment and couldn't help but feel a mixed sense of sadness (Eric will miss his many fans to whom he is waving at in the picture above) and excitement at what lies ahead in the next few months and even years...things are looking very promising!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

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