Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reason #45

It seems that the unemployed life is keeping me too busy to blog, which I am sure comes as a real disappointment to the loyal followers of NFA (Newton Family Adventures, of course!). It isn't as if there isn't plenty of material, because there is, and it isn't as if I don't enjoy it, because I do! It really just seems to be a case of juggling my famous list with making time to hop on the computer...I've been enjoying some quality family time these past evenings!

Let's chat about Friday and the photo you see above. That is a view of Ventura from Oxnard at the beach. Jax and I dubbed it 'reason #45' for anyone considering or needing an excuse to live in Southern Cal. The day was about as perfect as anyone could ask with great weather and sights. It made for an extremely enjoyable Unemployment Friday, which has become a rather popular event.

Started originally as a catch-up time with my friend Jonathan (who is also in between gigs as he has moved back from NYC to be in So Cal for the many reasons as listed above), UF has evolved into a day dedicated to some sort of outdoor physical activity (we walked 5 miles along the beach this week), lunch (yours truly packed a tasty meal that included paninis and cinnamon-strusel muffins), and lots of conversation (including of course the long term future plans).

Popularity is growing for UF with people who plan on being unemployed in the future asking to join now and some just taking time off on Fridays to join in the festivities...we know how to have a good time!

Watch for future UF postings as well as a couple of exciting events in the works...I am going to NYC for a week to help my friend Eric pack up and move across country (Yep! Back to California, although he is going the way of the Bay Area, not quite So Cal but it is in the time zone, which makes me happy!). I have also signed up to do a chaperonning gig today for Holly and the youth group at Magic Mountain - that is certainly a candidate for some good blog fodder!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

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