Saturday, September 27, 2008

Thinking Outside the Box

Today was the first day that we got REALLY serious about the move preparations and we made tracks against the list! We knew that once we got rolling, we would build on the momentum, but tackling that first drawer proved a bit daunting.

Fast forward about 3 hours and we were on fire! Actually, we were starting to sag a bit and that spare room closet was stressing me out! Eric made us some iced coffees and we jumped back into the project, appropriately caffeinated. We are now down to 3 more areas tomorrow (including the notorious walk-in closet) and then all of the wine on Monday...I think that we are on-track!

The highlight of the day was dinner at Julia & John's place on the Upper West Side (I make the reference because I finally understand geographically what that means in terms of the layout of the city!). Dinner was GREAT and the company even better...including Eric's 5-year prediction for both Julia and I (curious? You will have to stay tuned to know what we are doing and verify that Eric was right!)

Tomorrow is the day that we get everything wrapped up and finalized before the movers arrive on Monday. Let's hope that we continue to work INside the box and finish up on time!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

1 comment:

Joe said...

Hey Jan! Thanks for the positive shout on my blog. I'm enjoying following yours, as well. Have fun in NYC, and give my best to Eric P.