Friday, September 26, 2008

No "Nor'easter" will dampen our spirits!

This photo may or may not be representative of what it currently looks like outside, but it is the best that I can do given the fact that I inadvertently drained the battery on my Blackberry by carrying it around in my pocket without it's holster (lesson learned!). The winds started at about noon today, followed by the rain at about 7pm...just in time for our outing in the City.

Let me back up just a bit and recap the day. You might recall that Eric celebrated his last day of work yesterday, however it appears that no one told him, as he was on the phone all morning and into the afternoon plus some time on the computer too. Crazy needs to let it go! We did cancel all of the utilities so some move-out preparations were done...check!

Once we broke Eric away from his tasks, we set about the fine township of Hackensack for a variety of errands. I must have heard at least a dozen people talk about "The Nor'easter" that is due to blow in...I finally had to ask if that meant we were going on some kind of storm-watch! A little research on my end uncovered that it just means that a storm is coming, there will be much rain, it will get cold and there will be winds - some gusts and very strong at times.

Knowing that we were not facing some sort of weather disaster, we went to the Mermaid Inn on the Lower East Side for a great meal (and had a very nice time with Cyndi), then set off to meet the gang at Lucky Chang's - a drag karaoke bar. It was raining by the time we left dinner, but the 5 blocks or so were a welcome and quick walk after a very delicious and filling dinner.

Due to some scheduling misunderstandings, we did not get the entertainment that we were hoping for at Chang's, but we were lucky enough to get directions to a karaoke bar about 12 blocks away.

We showed up to a packed house at the Planet Rose in Greenwich Village and shared the mike with some very fun albeit interesting characters...their song choices were definitely more of the Pearl Jam/Seattle grunge genre. Some pretty angry lyrics, wooo! We peppered in a lot of 80's and metal, so there was a little something for everyone.

We said our goodbyes with hoarse voices (all of that singing along puts quite a strain on the pipes) and set out on our separate ways in the rain. Being the crazy one from California, I did not have an umbrella, so after a couple of blocks, I clearly showed the effects of the Nor'easter. No matter, though...we are having a good time out here and no amount of wind or rain will dampen our spirits!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Maybe Eric was just trying to make sure work was out of his system to be able to fully enjoy Unemployment Friday!
And the picture looks pretty cool with the lights shining on the street!