Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Happens in DC...is available for all to see

Back from our fabulous DC trip, it is a requirement that we share photos, of course! I am pleased to report that the conversion to my desktop computer (from the comfort and convenience of the laptop that sadly had to be given back to it's rightful owners at Jamba) for photos was seamless and it appears that all is also intact for utilizing the tools of Picassa...on track and on task!

At the risk of sounding self-promoting (and I really only worry about that because I have heard that it is not a great trait), the earlier blog entries have captured the trip well and documented all of our antics. The photos here will support the many stories and sharing that was provided and will hopefully allow you a momentary escape to appreciate just how much history and culture we have here. My favorite site remains the WWII Memorial, but that does not in any way diminish my appreciation for the many other monuments and sights to see throughout the city. You can always conduct a virtual tour and decide for yourself!

Enjoy the photos knowing that we really maximized our time in the 'district' while also completing that crazy triathlon in the blistering heat and humidity - we are loyal and true citizens!

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