Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This picture was taken during Unemployment Friday last week. Jonathan and I were at a loss for something new to do, so we decided to stick with a favorite - it may even be at classic status now - the Ventura walk.

This is a great trek to do because you get a little bit of everything. State beach, pier, boardwalk, downtown, campgrounds and ocean-front pathway. I noticed a sign that identified the paved portion of the path as the first bike path in California installed by Cal Trans. Our own little bit of local history and claim to fame!

This railroad crossing makes me smile because as you can see, we are all of 50 feet from a drop-off that goes straight to the ocean. Is a full-scale RR crossing really necessary? Two signs? Who is seriously thinking of driving across here? I am sure that there is some logical explanation, such as safety for pedestrians, etc., but for the time being I just see it as a very entertaining and scenic statement of the obvious.

It certainly does make for a nice photo.

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