Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Social Justice

Sometimes we get an opportunity to really make a difference. It may not seem like a lot on its own, but when combined with the efforts of many other talented people with the right and good intentions, great stuff can be achieved.

I might have mentioned a couple of months ago that I have been invited to work with a group called Maverick Photographers (the name was in existence before the 'Maverick' term was popularized). The basic mission of this group is to make a difference in the world through photography. While I certainly fancy myself handy with the camera, I know that I don't hold a candle to the real professionals, but I can write (humor me here, this IS my blog after all), and although a picture is worth 1000 words, a few well-phrased captions or context to tell the photo journalistic story are a great enhancement.

Enter yours truly on the first official project...creating the legacy for Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy in San Francisco. I flew into San Jose today to spend the day with my friend Maureen, who then served as my chauffeur and entertainment coordinator. Maureen is a pivotal character in this adventure, as it is her husband - Brian - who founded and heads up Maverick Photography, and it was through a conversation Mo and I were having about me following my passion for writing that connected us.

There will be more info on this project as well as its evolution in future blogs, but for now ponder the pledge that the school has created for themselves as you see pictured above. This is a different school (it is a public elementary school in the city of San Francisco)n led by different administrators who have different views and approaches when it comes to education. It is my opinion that different is good and you will quickly learn how the most important thing at HMCRA is creating a safe and exciting learning environment for kids.

Talk about making a difference!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

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