Thursday, November 6, 2008


This struck me as entertaining today. You might recall my boasting of the fine candy selection for Halloween. Judging from the abundance of remaining Milk Duds, it appears that there was a dud in the trick or treating options. Twix...long gone. Take 5 (the best candy bar EVER)...not to be seen (and I only had one!) Rolos...there might be one left somewhere on the bottom. What we have remaining is a rather large pile of individual serving-size Milk Duds. Something tells me that if left unaddressed, this cauldron of undesirable candy will sit on the counter until next year.

These are not the issues that trouble our nation or even create strife in the household, but for some reason I got a good laugh out of it. I was making dinner and saw that the candy cauldron had been moved over to the counter by the sink typically reserved for ripening avocados. I thought that it would make a good blog entry so I got out the camera to snap a photo. David asked me why I was taking a picture in the kitchen, to which I answered, "These Milk Duds look kind of sad, lonely and segregated from the rest of the treats." Holly piped up with a helpful, "We need more Twix!"

Maybe I'll serve up Milk Duds for dessert tomorrow night!

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