Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Democratic Process

The 2008 election was certainly unlike no other. No matter your political views or opinions, it is pretty evident that things are shifting and to some extent, really do need to change. There are a few words, such as 'change', 'hope', and of course 'maverick' that we will always regard a bit differently, especially after the last 3 months or so (longer, if you immersed yourself starting with the primaries), but let's just go with the general election for now.

At any rate, a friend recently sent me a link to a series of 35 or so pictures that in my opinion capture the essence of what we as a society have witnessed through our democratic process. People were inspired, motivated and many worked to learn as much as they could - to be informed voters. Not everything may have turned out the way that everyone would have liked, but as the dust settles and we do move forward, I have to acknowledge the fact that for all of my frustration and at times cynicism around how we behave as a society...I am proud.

We can be an inspiring bunch.

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