Thursday, November 27, 2008

Save the Turkeys!

Happy Thanksgiving! A fun holiday that celebrates two of my favorite and food, I do have the fundamental issue with the whole turkey as the center of the meal thing. I would like to believe that my choice for the past 5 years to consume no turkey (or any of their feathered fowl friends) is helping to save the turkey population...but I know better.

Nonetheless, I celebrate today sans a main entree, there is plenty to eat between the mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce...the list goes on and on. The spirit of the holiday is alive and well, and so are the turkeys!

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and hug the next turkey you can interpret that any way you see fit!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

You could always make Tofurkey! Although it sounds like you had plenty of sides to choose from - Happy Thanksgiving.